Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Im too embarrased to go to the salon to wax my stomach hair?

well im a girl and i have dark and very noticable stomach hair and it covers my entire stomach.

i dont want to shave. im so embarrased to go to the waxing place since noone else i know really waxes their stomachs

when you use NAIR does the hair grow back thicker and very fast?

and if you ever went to a salon to wax your stomach and your a girl was it embarrasing?Im too embarrased to go to the salon to wax my stomach hair?
Nair dosent leave you thick or grow back very fast.Im too embarrased to go to the salon to wax my stomach hair?
don't be embarrassed usually you will go into a private room so noone will know what you are getting done. i'm sure that's not the worse thing they have waxed.
try sally hansen creme bleach. I have dark hair on my stomach and I just bleach it. The more I bleach it, it gets finer. Its like peach fuzz now.
try getting a wax kit and do it yourself!
Don't be embarrassed to go to a salon--it is their job to wax the hair off your body.
I agree with tablforfour except for using the nair. It stinks up the whole house, and leaves a smell on you for a while. It also could have a reaction if you have sensitive skin.
Go to a day spa that does waxing service.... They will take you to a private room .... And no one will see or know what your having done......

Nair or any hair removal cream has not caused the hair on my legs to grow back thicker but you have to be careful with them they can cause irritation easily.

And I tried it on the hair in my private area.. BIG MISTAKE!

1) It didn't remove that hair

2) Gave me a chemical burn with bumps and sores . HURT BAD!

(It was made specific for bikini area)
im a 28 year old cosmotologist in a smaller town so something like that doesnt happen very often, however people should be professional and fun at the same time. i tell u that cuz i dont want u to think im some old lady, i kno that u might thinks its embarrassing but hay other people probably need to wax things that they dont wanna talk about too. if u feel uncomfy, make sure u go to a salon that has a closed room instead of sharing the same open area for everyone to watch, noone has to kno except u and the person doing it. also there is a wax called ';gi gi honey'; and what it does is break down the hair follicle over time and make the appearence of hair thinner and more sparse. thats the wax i use on my clients and i love it! its an old wives tale that hair grows back thicker and darker when u use any product, (except products that r Supposed to grow hair, which dont anyways) try nair first if ur skeptical.
NAIR can cause sensitive people to have reactions. try a test area if you are going to use it. Shaving is fine and is not going to cause any more hair growth either.Shave toward the hair shaft not upward. Waxing can be very painful but it is effective.

There are dermatologists who would provide far better answers. They are Dr's and are required to provide privacy to their patients so no one knows why you are there etc.
If your worried about being embarrassed you can always do it yourself. Any hair supply store should have different waxes available (I like microwavable wax).
its your fist time so u r embarrassed dont worry

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