Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Can i sue a salon for not waxing my eyebrows properly??

I had a very bad experiencxe at cost cutters. I moved to the US last month and wanted to shape my eyebrows. Cost cutters was the nearest to my place and i thought of giving it a try.

The stylist waxed off half of my eyebows! Instead of shaping my brows she actualy diminished the length. I had long and thick brows and just wanted to shape them. But shockingly she waxed in such a way that now my left brow is smaller than my right brow. This silly lady doesnt know the meaning of '; shaping brows';. She waxed off my real eyebrows and made them so short that i am looking very ugly. Futher my eyebrows are now of different lenghts!

I did scream at her but all she said was she coudnt grow hair on my brows now! Not even a sorry.

Dont know what to do with my eyebrows now as i cant go out anywhere lookin ugly like this.Please let me know if i sue this salon.Can i sue a salon for not waxing my eyebrows properly??
OK, first of all, to ALL the people that said that you are asking for trouble for going to Cost Cutters in the first place...

I happen to work at a Cost Cutters myself, and it's so unfortunate that CC has the reputation of being a bad place to go (not just for waxing, but for anything.) I was a stylist for 6 years in other salons (including a Regis) before going to Cost Cutters. Just because you go to a ';higher end'; salon doesn't mean that you are not going to have a bad experience. It just means that you are going to be out more money when you do! We have people that come to OUR salon to get their ';higher end'; salon hair-dos fixed, cuz it doesn't matter where you end up working, you can have bad stylists no matter where you are and how much money you spend. More money does NOT necessarily equal better quality. ALL stylists go to the SAME kind of schools and learn the SAME basics before working at a salon. Just because one's working at a salon in Beverly Hills and one got a job at the salon at the mall (or a Cost Cutters, for instance) doesn't mean that they are any better. Bad hair services (and good alike) can happen ANYWHERE!

Now, to answer this lady's question... as a Cost Cutters employee, I am horrified that she didn't even offer an apology... so I am apologizing to you on her behalf. I don't think that suing Cost Cutters would get you anywhere (especially cuz you probably paid between $8-12 for your wax... I assume... so for that reason alone it wouldn't be worth the time and money in legal fees)

I DEFINITELY would talk to the manager (and if this woman happens to be the manager, ask for the number for HER manager) This stylist should have never even charged you. The fact that she did, knowing very well that you were not pleased, also astounds me. Obviously this woman needs to be trained in customer service (AND in waxing, but that's a moot point right now.) Tell the manager what you told us here and that you should, at the very least, get a refund.

The one thing the lady told you was true (even though the *way* she said it wasn't nice) was that the brows just have to grow back. If you have bangs, you could style your bangs down to cover them (or have bangs -- LONGER ones -- cut into your hair to help... not even a full bang necessarily, just a few fringes to help conceal it would possibly work)

Or is it possible to purchase an eyebrow pencil?? If you purchase the right shade, no one would notice unless they were very up close to your face.

Well, I hope I have helped you in some way, and again, on behalf of Cost Cutters, I apologize that you had a bad experience at one of our salons. I really hope that I have assured you that we do have GOOD stylists working for us and that you won't be discouraged from visiting one of our salons in the future (just make sure this woman isn't working, lol)

Good luck to you!Can i sue a salon for not waxing my eyebrows properly??
No you can't sue the salon.... first of all why would you go to cost cutters to get your brows done?!? That's just asking for a bad experience, I didn't even know they did eyebrows but I wouldn't let them touch my hair, or my brows! There's nothing to sue over, you just had a bad experience and I wouldn't go back there again, which I'm sure you won't.
You cannot sue them over a poor eyebrow job. I would suggest you get your money back if they made you pay and go check out an actual spa. I work at the Red Door Spas and there are highly experienced techs that can suggest what to do until your eyebrows grow back. You can just ask for a consultation. Just check around and do some research on the next place you visit
You can sue them for not shaping them the way you wanted them. I find it helps to bring pictures of how I want my brows shaped. Some people wax the same way for everyone who comes in. Use a brow filler till they grow back. When I had to grow my brows in I cut long straight bangs to cover them and just let them grow.
Umm..I don't if you could sue them, but if you can, that would be such a stupid thing to sue them over. It's HAIR, it will grow back, it's not like she purposely poured the wax in your eyes or something. I think we all have had our eyebrows screwed up once in our lives. Just buy an eyebrow pencil and pencil them in how you want them until they grow back, that's what I did when mine got messed up.
I doubt you could sue them the most you would get is your money back, which I am sure is less than the court costs.

My advice would be to go back and CALMLY speak with the manager and ask for your money to be refunded. and don't go back!!!

and in the interim while your brows are growing back, buy a eyebrow pencil a shade lighter than your brows and fill in the ';blank'; areas
u should deffinately sue them, but in the meantime there is this special pencil thing that u can buy at any makeup place that u can draw half your eyebrow back on without making it look fakish. my friend waxed her eyebrows on her own and while she was doing that her evil brother knocked her over and she cut off half her eyebrow too! and thats wat she used
Why the hell did you get them done at cost cutters?

You get what you pay for. It's fifteen bucks to get them done at a nice salon, so why on earth would you go someplace cheap? You can't sue them, just as much as you can't sue McDonalds for nasty tasting food.
Sue them: no. To sue someone you have to have been harmed in some way. I seriously doubt that a judge will think that eyebrows (that will grow back 10 times before a court date) misshaped would be considered harmful.

At best you should get your money back for a poor job.
Haha. Sorry, but next time don't go to cost cutters. I bet you could sue but I don't think they have a ton of money to start with. You could just tell everyone you know not to go there. If you do sue good luck!! [sorry about your really BAD expeirence!!]
Hi, I would be very angry like you but I don't think I would sue. you shouldn't have paid and you should try and see if you can get the lady fired. Maybe you can sue.

Take a chill pill.


Then go see a different stylist.
you might be able to go to a small claims court.
sorry, but no, you can't. you went to get your eyebrows done, and they didn't do it correctly. well pretend you went to a diner, and they gave you the wrong meal. you wouldn't sue them, would you? well in this case you could ask for something new, but still you would deal with it because you know people make mistakes. you didn't have to scream at her, either. i'm sure she didn't intentionally say ';let me mess up this girl's eyebrows!'; it was an accident of course. go to rite aid and buy cream that will make your eyebrows grow more quickly. i know, it sucks. but it happens!

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