Friday, January 22, 2010

Is it possible to go to a salon and have your ENTIRE body (includeing face and other areas) waxed?

Like your whole entire body? I have always been so curious, lol!Is it possible to go to a salon and have your ENTIRE body (includeing face and other areas) waxed?
I can't imagine why not, although I'm sure it would be expensive! I know they do face, bikini, and eyebrows....I am sure they can do legs. And armpits. And arms, even. I'm sure it just amounts to ASKING for these services!

Leg hair is really difficult to wax, though -- I've tried it before at home with a great wax kit that works well in other places, but it didn't do crap on my legs. I am sure arms would be easy, but underarm waxing HURTS. It's worth it though; sometimes, my armpit hair doesn't come back for a MONTH or so after I wax! And it becomes really thin afterward, too.Is it possible to go to a salon and have your ENTIRE body (includeing face and other areas) waxed?
yes you can if you go to the right place. you would need to go to a waxing salon that speaclizes in waxing, and they will wax anything for you if you ask if you pay them! it does cost alot though, but they will probably do anything for you if you pay as i said earlier. hope that helped!

Anything is possible as long as you can pay.
Yes, I know girl that have had it done, right down to the toes. However, I'm sure that on the face it hurts like hell.
ya sure y not lots of girls to that only i think face and the pubic part would hurt like hell but i think after once or twice one gets used to it or should i say metally prepared for it but it makes the body a lot more cleaner 卢lol卢 hair free !!!!!!!!!
yes it is called brazilian wax

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